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Amanita muscaria full information and the magical possibilities of this plant.

Buy Fly Agarics

"They eat certain fungi in the shape of fly-agarics, and thus they become drunk worse than on vodka, and for them that's the very best banquet."

Amanita muscaria sometimes called fly agaric or fly Amanita is a mushroom which contain the psychoactive chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. They are best known for their distinctive appearance (bright reds and yellows with white spots).

Amanita muscaria (as well as all other Amanita species) is uncontrolled federally in the United States. This means all parts of the plant and its extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give) without a license or prescription.

Brief History:

Amanita muscaria mushrooms have a long history of shamanic use in some parts of Siberia. possibly dating back thousands of years. The earliest-known documented account of Siberian mushroom use dates to 1658 when a Polish prisoner-of-war wrote "They eat certain fungi in the shape of fly-agarics, and thus they become drunk worse than on vodka, and for them that's the very best banquet."

The EFFECTS of this shroom as listed on erowid is as followed:


Euphoria: feelings of peace and well being
Marked analgesia (pain relief)
Physical relaxation / dream state: (during the sedative effects) can be highly detailed, colorful, and have a great sense of clarity and lucidity. Some people describe these as being similar to Lucid Dreaming. Some describe them as Out of Body Experiences (OOBEs). As with normal dreams, the Amanita Dream State can consist of a wide variety of experiences.
Internal dialogue: some people report a strong sense of an internal discussion, a feeling of being able to think through personal issues. Others report a significant reduction of internal dialogue, sense of peacefulness, and internal quiet.
Synesthesia: is somewhat common, smelling words, tasting colors, etc.
Clarity: Often no interference with memory or logic: many report strong "clarity of thought" and "stillness of mind". Others report mild to strong confusion.
Internal Focus: Difficulty in focusing concentration on external tasks. Increased focus on internal imagination, imagery, day dreams.
Sociability: Group interaction can become incoherent: "conversational weirdness", frequent changes in topic, "non-linear conversations"
Sexual Feelings: Some people report increased sexual feelings, others report very unsexual emotional and sensual distance / coldness.


Sedative or Sleepy Effects. others report excitation and extreme energy bursts.
Changes in Body Perception: effects may include dramatic shifts in body perception and motor skills including perceived changes in size of body parts, increased strength, dizziness, clumsiness, change in proprioception.
Slightly Blurred Vision, watery eyes, runny nose.
Loss of Equilibrium
Pupil Dilation, glassy eyed stare


Mild to moderate to extreme nausea or stomach discomfort/cramps, increases with dosage.
Muscle Twitching and Trembling (not convulsion)
Increased Salivation and Perspiration.
Strong Dissociation and Delirium at high doses

I will continue to post more blogs about this and various other Legal Psychoactive Alternatives.

If you are interested in trying this mushroom out for yourself Arena EthnoBotanicals have never failed me. Although take note that they do not not sell Amanita muscaria for Human Consumption.

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