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Quotes/Poems About Mushrooms

Here are a few quotes I found online that have to do with shrooms. I find them interesting, maybe some of you might as well.

"Suspended in the darkness of
The cool and still Boulder Creek Night
I hear the song of the cricket
And locusts and frogs
And I wonder
Is this the life of a Mushroom"

Barbara E Hanson

Magical Trip
By Sofia Rocha

I went on this magical trip..
Out of reality, in a fantasy world,
Everything seemed to be so peaceful and perfect!
All harmony.. no hate..

Laughing and laughing, like a kid being tickled..
no matter what happened, no matter what I did,
it seemed like it was never gonna to stop..

Things gained true life, Bright colours..
People walked differently, like robots..
and then smoothly like clouds where beneath them..
Trees and clouds gained funny shapes and movements,
like dancing smoothly with the wind..
Everything was amazing and beautiful,
even small details we never notice in real life..
I felt like Alice in Wonderland!

I could hear every single sound around me!
Every conversation, every whisper,
comments about my astonished expressions admiring everything around me as if I'd never seen it before..
people laughing, people simply breathing,
shoes touching the ground,
birds singing, birds' wings flapping,
planes flying but still far far away..
sounds I had never heard before..
and it was all right there, so close, behind my ear..
It was amazing, although scary at first...
Fantasy or reality!??
My mind was confused....
It was like a dream!

I was sliding across the city,
Nothing could worry me.
But realized I always had to be aware of everything around me,
Cause it could all be so suspicious..

People would stare at me,
They couldn’t understand..
They looked kind of weird,
And so cold, sad and angry....
Their faces would constantly be changing,
gaining different shapes and forms and expressions and sizes..

It went on and on..
5hours had passed and I didn't even realize it..

Suddenly I snapped out of it,
just like there was a silent click,
When I was least expecting it..
I realized I was back to reality,
A different world,
Everything had disappeared..
What a disappointment.....

I soon realized I got to see the raw truth of reality,
but from a different point of view,
of contrasts and with no metaphors nor euphemisms..

What a Magical Trip!!!

Puff Balls
Ciao, Gina

In my youth, am sliding into 60, I rode a horse through trails between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, weekly for 7 years. Puff balls were at the foot of the trees, everywhere. Perhaps nestled between the roots amid light pine needles. We had to dismount every once in a while, and there were always puffballs to puff. Of course, there were pink Lady's Slippers then too.. New England woods. Mixed pine and hard and soft woods.

by Joseph D. Greenwood

And so the juggernauts roared
As the firebirds soared
And the soldiers howled
While the politicians pleased the crowd
And the children screamed
As the bullets streamed
And the buildings crumbled to the ground
As the bombs rained down
Pounding, pounding
Like a heartbeat
Came the waves of heat
People burning in the streets
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers
We held on
Until the final bomb
And now we are all gone
Nothing else around
Only ashes on the ground
Is this to be our destiny
To leave behind no legacy
Only a fading memory


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