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Showing posts from 2010

Amanita Muscaria Growing Season Almost Over

If you're in the States then your chances of finding any fly agaric growing is getting slimmer as each day passes. I found a bunch of them about a week ago but cannot seem to find anymore. I'm in Georgia so I probably have a few more weeks but for most of the United States its going to be very hard to find Amanita Muscaria now. So hopefully everyone had a good season, you might still have some growing around you depending on where you're at, so go look before its too late!

Pictures of the Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria) Mushroom

Divine Mushroom of Immortality

This is an article written in 1809 by Georg Heirich von Langsdorf on the Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) mushroom. I found it very interesting. Divine Mushroom of Immortality by: Georg Heirich von Langsdorf The plant kingdom is of immeasurable influence and usefulness for mankind, since it supplies most of our clothing, food, drink, and shelter. The medical science of primitive people consists entirely in their knowledge of the more or less efficacious plants, and everyday experiance confirms the fact that even a number of plants native ot our own regions are known to many uneducated nations almost more thouroighly than they are to us. To demonstrate this assertion, I should like to say at this point something about the fly-agaric, which we regard as extremely poisionous but which is used by various inhabitants of northeastern Asia as an intoxicant just as wine, brandy, arrack, opium, kava, and the like are used by other nations. The Kamchacals gather them usually during the hottest mont...

Oral Dosage for Amanita Muscaria, and Trip Details

If you don't have a scale or just do not know how much amanita muscaria (fly agaric) you should take, follow this: To get a slight buzz going off of the fly agaric you would eat 1-5 grams which is about the size of 1 medium cap. The most common dosage taken and the one I would recommend for beginners with this mushroom is 5-10 grams, which equals to about 1-3 medium sized caps. A heavy dose for people who are experienced with the fly agaric is 10-30 grams or roughly 2-6 medium caps. Trip Details: After about an hour you should start to feel a little strange, although it can take up to 2 hours for some people. Soon you'll begin to peak, this is when everything gets crazy or in my opinion awesome. It usually lasts about 2 hours. You'll continually have effects though for about 6-8 hours or up to 10 hours for larger doses. You'll then still kind of feel different for another couple hours afterwords, its not really unpleasant in my opinion, you'll just feel, odd. Discla...

Other Drying Methods for the Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushrooms

You'll need a wire mesh screen. First cut the wire mesh screen small enough to fit in the oven but large enough to hold the mushrooms you plan on drying. Next place the mushrooms on top of the screen with enough room between each amanita for air to vent. Now place the screen into the oven, with the door of the oven open slightly. Set your oven to bake at the lowest temperature possible. Leave them in for about an hour, then remove them along with the screen. Allow them to cool at room temperature, if you want to save some place them in a sealed bag. Now you can smoke or eat them. Have fun, be safe.

Drying Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushrooms and Another Tea Recipe

You should never ingest Amanita Muscaria shrooms raw. When they are dried it turns the Ibotenic acid into Muscimol, which is the substance that makes you trip in the Fly Agaric. Also Ibotenic acid is mildly toxic. Now instructions on how to dry Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushrooms. The easiest way and the way that I have done it in the past is to first grind up the mushroom, as your doing this start heating up some water on the stove. Let it get to about 190 degrees. Let it cook for about 30-45 minutes. Be careful to not let the water get too hot, try to keep it under 200 degrees, so you don't ruin the mushroom. Once you're done with this... you're done. Drink the water down once it gets cool enough. You could also make it into a tea. Another way to make a drinkable tea out of Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria) Mushrooms is to first add an actual tea bag. I personally like to add 2 kava tea bags, which you can buy at Target if you're in the US. Normally it's not in lo...

What Makes Up The Amanita Muscaria Shroom And How Each Substance Affects You

The 3 chemicals that affect the body in fly agaric are: Muscimol, Ibotenic Acid, and Muscarine. The main chemical out of those that makes you trip is Muscimol. Muscimol will mainly affect your GABA receptor as a GABA A agnostic. Other drugs also target the same receptor such as xanax. Obviously you don't feel like you're on xanax when you eat amanita muscaria mushrooms though. Muscimol is a inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it decreases the electrochemical activity of neurons, which is mostly what causes you to feel the way you do while on fly agaric. Ibotenic Acid does not play a particularly big role in affecting you. When ingested it is partially metabolized into muscimol, but is not believed to cross the blood brain barrier. Thus its effects are minimal. Muscarine affects acetylcholine levels and acts at muscarinic receptors, which got its name from this chemical. This causes you to have stimulation of the muscles, glands, and central nervous system. Those are the ma...

Medicinal Use By Indigenous People On the Kamchatka Peninsula

As reported by a 72 year old shaman and a member of the tribe Evin tribe. She explains that only elderly people now use the amnita muscaria for such things. The fly agaric has apparently been replaced by vodka over there. She explains that 3 small fresh caps will help a sore throat as well as cancer. I don't think I'm with her on the cancer suggestion. She also explains how they use it to help arthritis patients. She says to place a few smaller amanita mushrooms into an airtight container. You then store it somewhere cold and the liquid will actually come out of the mushrooms. Then you squeeze out the the rest of the liquid, and place the pulp of the mushroom bandaged up wherever the arthritis is located overnight. I wonder how well this actually works...

Quotes/Poems About Mushrooms

Here are a few quotes I found online that have to do with shrooms. I find them interesting, maybe some of you might as well. "Suspended in the darkness of The cool and still Boulder Creek Night I hear the song of the cricket And locusts and frogs And I wonder Is this the life of a Mushroom" Barbara E Hanson Magical Trip By Sofia Rocha I went on this magical trip.. Out of reality, in a fantasy world, Everything seemed to be so peaceful and perfect! All harmony.. no hate.. Laughing and laughing, like a kid being tickled.. no matter what happened, no matter what I did, it seemed like it was never gonna to stop.. Things gained true life, Bright colours.. People walked differently, like robots.. and then smoothly like clouds where beneath them.. Trees and clouds gained funny shapes and movements, like dancing smoothly with the wind.. Everything was amazing and beautiful, even small details we never notice in real life.. I felt like Alice in Wonderland! I could hear every single ...

A Little Bit of Random Info on the Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushroom

Here is a bunch of random information about the Fly Agaric that I thought some of you guys (or girls) might find interesting. In Japan the name for the Amanita Pantherina is Ibo Tengutake... when you break down the two words it makes complete sense. Ibo means warted. Tengu is the actual name of the mushroom. And take means mushroom. They call the amanita muscaria shroom "beniteng." And if you're ever in Japan they actually sell them in many head shops for anywhere between 25-50 USD for the powder extract. Some people is Japan also use this as ingredients for meals such as soup. I wish that was common in the states haha. If you ever wondered where the name amanita comes from... keep reading. Not totally proven, but what is believed by most, is that the word is derived from a latin form of greek, "Amanos." How this came about is that there is an area in Turkey which is surrounded by mountains where the Amanita grows all over the place. In 1994 a group of peo...

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Tea Recipe

Well here is a tea recipe for the fly agaric mushroom for those interested. Make sure you have DRY caps. Crush desired amount, this recipe I'll say 30 grams, which will probably make you forget your name... make sure its a fine powder. Add 6 cups of water and keep it just barely boiling for about an hour. Make sure you don't let it boil too long otherwise you will ruin it. After, strain it, then let it cool. About 2 cups is what you'll need to drink to get off. Its not going to taste good, you can add different herbs or whatever you would like to make it taste better, but I don't bother, I don't drink it for the taste. (: Anyways very simple guide. Enjoy and be safe.

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Trip

In this post I'm going to go deeper into what different type of trips you may experience while on the amanita muscaria. For me personally, I see things, I laugh alot more, I feel dissociated at times. There are many different feelings as with most other drugs, depending on when you ingest it. It usually takes well over an hour to kick in, kinda like extacy, every time even now, I think I'm getting ripped off because it takes so long to start working, but once it does, I no longer feel that way haha. When it starts taking effect I usually get a little tired, I would suggest having some coffee/energy drink/stimulants/uppers in general ready to go if you're worried about falling asleep and missing out on some of your trip. Once you get past the tired phase, that's when shit gets crazy. The whole world seems different, its extremely hard to explain, but everything feels very different, and my point of view on life in general feels different. Different emotions will take co...

Similarities Betweem Christmas Decorations and Santa Claus with the Fly Agaric

Amanita muscaria mushrooms are on Christmas cards & New Year cards all across the globe as a symbol of prosperity to its reader. The ethnobotanist Jonathan Ott has suggested that the idea of Santa Claus & custom of hanging stockings over the hearth is largely based on the Amanita muscaria mushroom itself. With Santa Claus's white and red color scheme of his suit, his opinion is that Santa Claus's suit is related to the mushroom. He also sees similarities with flying reindeer: reindeer had been noted to eat the fly agaric & run around while appearing to be under the influence a short period afterwords. American ethnopharmacologist Scott Hajicek-Dobberstein, researching feasible links between religious beliefs & the mushroom, remarks, "If Santa Claus had but one eye [like Odin], or if magic urine had been an element of his legend, his connection to the Amanita muscaria would be much simpler to accept." The connection was, later on, published in an articl...

Descripition Of The Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushroom

So its just about shroom season so I thought I would post what a good description of what a fly agaric mushroom looks like. I DO NOT condone finding them for use of human consumption, because if you are wrong, you could die. When Fly Agaric mushrooms first sprout they look like little eggs. If you take the mushroom apart at this stage and take a look under the veil you will see a yellow tint through the veil. When the Amanita Muscaria is fully grown the red cap is usually 8-20 centimeters in diameter. It will have small white or yellow warts on the cap. The spore sprint is white, as well as the free gills. At the bottom of the bulb it will have veil remnants which creates 2-4 rings. Between the bottom veil remnants and the the gills are more veil remnants which will form the description of a white ring. Very basic description, I'll update will more detail eventually, hopefully you enjoyed the read.

Growing Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria) Mushrooms

So first, is it possible to grow your own Fly Agaric mushroom? Well, technically, yes, would you be able to though, very likely the answer to that would be no. Amanita Muscaria mushrooms are what is considered a symbiotic plant, meaning that it forms a mutual relationship with another organism that allows it to grow. The most common tree you will find them under is the birch tree. You would have to be very lucky to actually plant your own next to a birch tree for example and have them bond together, and have the mushroom grow and become edible. I would just stick to buying them online if I were you. I buy my fly agaric or amanita muscaria mushrooms from Herbal Fire Botanicals . They seem to have the best quality, as well as great customer support and quick shipping.

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Legal Status

United States Laws Currently in the United States it is legal to posses Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) mushrooms. Although legal to posses it is not legal for consumption... So if you're in the States and happen to have a few Fly Agaric shrooms on you, don't go walking to your nearest police station and start eating them in the parking lot. (: Other Countries Australia: Currently there is a bit of confusion on amnita muscara's legal status in Australia. So if you're an Aussie I can't help you there, sorry! England: Pretty much the same laws apply in the UK as in the United States. France: It is not a controlled substance in France. Greece: You're good to trip as it is not a controlled substance in Greece. Italy: Not a controlled substance in Italy. Romania: It is ILLEGAL in Romania to posses, or congest Fly Agaric Shrooms. ): Switzerland: Fly Agaric is not controlled in Switzerland. Hope this is useful to people worrying about its legal status.

Amanita Pantherina Caps

Amanita pantherina is similar to other fly agaric mushrooms except it has a brownish or yellowish brown cap that is covered with white warts. The only legit Amanita pantherina is supposedly only found in certain European parts of the world. Although it is sometimes found in North America. Besides the brown cap with white warts, the identifying features of Amanita pantherina include the collar-like roll of volval tissue at the top of the basal bulb, and the elliptical, inamyloid spores. Arena Ethnobotanicals is one of the few sites that commonly have them in stock. You can look here to see if they do. Amanita pantherina is also sometimes referred to as the Panther Cap , in case anyone was wondering.

Smoking Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushrooms

So yesterday I tried smoking fly agaric for the first time with a couple friends. How I prepared it was with a glass pipe, mixed with a little weed. Two centimeters of the peeled skin (obviously dried) were used along with maybe like 0.5 grams of some higher quality mids. I didn't really seem to trip like I would normally when taken orally, it was more closely like a mj high... except without the fogginess of the mind. I was much more aware of what was going on, kinda like when you smoke some good kush, the negative effects (or at least what I consider negative) effects of the mj were neutralized while the positive were enhanced. Anyways I would absolutely suggest trying this. (:

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushroom Dosage

My rule of thumb when trying new substances is to start with the lowest dose then work your way up. I would suggest doing the same with this substance. It will take 30-120 minutes to kick in, so if you're not feeling anything right away don't worry or take more, just wait and see (this is my suggestion anyways). Every part of the mushroom is psychoactive, though most likely the part of the mushroom that will make you trip most is just under the skin. This is the suggested dosage for dried caps only. A good starting dose to test it out if never tried before would be 1-5 grams, which is about the size of one medium cap. Once you got that down and if you want to try more the most common dosage is about 5-10 grams which is about 1-3 medium caps. And if you're looking to trip balls really hard a strong dosage is 10-30 grams which is 2-6 medium caps. Be safe, start low, go from there, that's my advise anyways. Thanks for reading.

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushroom Drug Test Info

I'm on probation myself so I researched this thoroughly before trying it. The quick answer to whether or not it will show up on a standard drug screening is more than likely no (I can't guarantee 100%). Psilocybin Mushrooms won't show up either on standard tests from my research, although I won't guarantee this. Standard tests will look for: 1. Cannabinoids (marijuana, hash) 2. Cocaine (cocaine, crack, benzoylecognine) 3. Amphetamines (amphetamines, methamphetamines, speed) 4. Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine) 5. Phencyclidine (PCP) More advanced ones will also look for: 1. Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Secobarbitol, Butalbital) 2. Hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin) 3. Methaqualone (Quaaludes) 4. Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Librium, Serax, Rohypnol) 5. Methadone 6. Propoxyphene (Darvon compounds) 7. Ethanol (Alcohol) 8. MDMA (Ecstasy) If you're on probation/parole you can expect the more advanced tests. But from all my...

Eastern European Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) Info

Eastern European Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) are mushrooms which contain the chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol and are the oldest entheogen known to man. They have a long history of use in Asia and Northern Europe. They are best known for their distinctive bright red appearance with white spots. The Vikings used the Amanita Muscaria to enter the "berserker" state for battle. These Eastern European Fly Agarics are cured at source, they are picked and taken to special drying chambers 170-200F this process turns some ibotenic acid into muscimol which is believed to be most active. You can get them here: Amanita muscaria (Eastern European) Grade A

Different Types of Amanita muscaria mushrooms

There are a few different types of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. I have tried most of them and the best trip I have ever had was from the Amanita muscaria (Washington) Grade A shrooms. They contain only caps which is very important for your health, and are very potent. Here is an excerpt from Arena Ethnobotanicals: "Washington Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria) are mushrooms which contain the chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol and are the oldest entheogen known to man. These Washington Amanitas are hand picked, then dried. The Washington Fly Agarics are best known for their distinctive dark red appearance and yellows with white spots. These Washington Amanita Musacaria mushrooms are taken to special drying chambers 170-200F. This process turns some ibotenic acid into muscimol, which is believed to be the most active."

Amanita muscaria full information and the magical possibilities of this plant.

Buy Fly Agarics "They eat certain fungi in the shape of fly-agarics, and thus they become drunk worse than on vodka, and for them that's the very best banquet." Amanita muscaria sometimes called fly agaric or fly Amanita is a mushroom which contain the psychoactive chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. They are best known for their distinctive appearance (bright reds and yellows with white spots). Amanita muscaria (as well as all other Amanita species) is uncontrolled federally in the United States. This means all parts of the plant and its extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give) without a license or prescription. Brief History: Amanita muscaria mushrooms have a long history of shamanic use in some parts of Siberia. possibly dating back thousands of years. The earliest-known documented account of Siberian mushroom use dates to 1658 when a Polish prisoner-of-war wrote "They eat certain fungi in the shape of fly-agarics, and ...